General Management

Temporary Management cover

Maintain the current company policies and practices, but also deliver agreed performance improvement and / or cost saving goals or targets.

Management and / or staff coaching and mentoring

Focused on improving management or staff performance, we will engage with the selected employees and work with them to identify and implement improvement opportunities. We may recommend specific training requirements if necessary and can then work with management and the HR departments to ensure that these are approved and appropriately actioned. Where required, we can engage individual staff members and provide guidance and mentorship to assist in overcoming any obstacles they may see as being prohibitive to high performance.


Business plan development and Implementation

Working with the CEO and Leadership team, identify the key elements of a 1, 3 and 5 year business strategic plan. Arrange the required brainstorming and discussion sessions to ensure complete buy-in of all stake holders to the plan. Once all of the elements of the business strategy have been identified, collate these into a comprehensive business plan that will be communicated to all company members and form the baseline of all activities for the financial year. With the business plan as the key reference point, work with each of the department heads to compile and submit their annual budgets.


Once the business plan and budgets have been completed, engage with department heads to ensure that all managers and staff have a comprehensive written set of performance goals that align with the budget and business plan and includes personal development. Work with the HR team to develop a Programme which will ensure that goal setting and follow-on performance reviews are accomplished in a timely manner. These actions will ensure that all managers and staff are focused on delivering the business plan.


Change Management

Employing known Change Management (CM) practices and methods to manage specific changes, identified by clients. For Example: Company / Department restructure; introduction or removal of product lines or services; Facilities change:


  • Arrange and chair all CM meetings to ensure full stakeholder involvement

  • Actively involve Leadership team to ensure ‘buy-in from the top’

  • Implement and manage an effective communications plan across the organisation

  • Engage team to ensure that all deliverable targets are met

  • Establish and manage an effective Risk Register